Amie Kaufman on Writing: A Podcast

Amie Kaufman on Writing is a podcast that tackles a new question about writing every week.

Each episode is less than ten minutes long, and tackles a different craft question. It’s for readers and writers — anyone who loves to think about how stories are told.

On the last Monday of each month, it’ll feature a book recommendation as well! It’s a podcast to listen to while you take a quick break, or to delve back into when you find yourself stuck on a specific problem.

You can submit your question using the form below — if you’re stuck on one aspect of your work, or you’re wondering how your favourite author pulled something off, we’d love to hear from you!


Episode list with transcripts

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Example questions:

How do I create chemistry between two characters, and build attraction in a way that’s believable?

How do I show worldbuilding without info-dumps, or characters telling each other things they already know?

How do I describe my characters without having them look in the mirror?

How do I make sure my characters sound different when I’m writing from more than one point of view?

Send your question!

  • We’ll be saying your name on air, so please provide a pronunciation if you think we might need it! Or if you’d like to be anonymous, let us know.
  • We won’t share it or subscribe you to anything, and we’ll only use it if we need to clarify anything.
  • Your question should be specific rather than broad, and take no more than thirty seconds to read out loud—but feel free to add a little detail, or an example. We may lightly edit it for time or clarity, or combine it with similar questions.

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