USA: Heart of the World preorder

For another country or to learn more about the preorder, click here.

Please note that if you are attending one of Amie’s tour events, a purchase of The Heart of the World is required to enter the signing line — so you should hold off and buy at the event itself. You can claim up to the end of September 21st.

We will only use the information provided to send you the preorder incentive you’ve claimed, and then it will be deleted. We will not share it with anyone.


Amie writes a monthly newsletter sharing news about what she’s working on, new book releases, and giveaways. Her subscribers always get behind the scenes peeks and all her news first – they knew about this preorder early! If you’d like to join the mailing list, check the box below.
A phone number is necessary to post to Puerto Rico, otherwise there’s no need to provide yours.
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Upload an image of the receipt of your preordered book!

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