The Heart of the World preorder

Welcome to the preorder offer for The Heart of the World, the sequel and conclusion to The Isles of the Gods. To find preorder links for your country, click here

Please read all the way through, and check the FAQs at the bottom!

What’s on offer?

A pack of two art prints featuring the gorgeous cover portraits of Selly and Leander, by Aykut Aydogdu. All cover text has been removed so you can enjoy them in all their glory. These will never be available for sale, and this is your only chance to claim them.

These are available while stocks last, so please don’t delay!

How do I get this treasure?

Purchase any edition of The Heart of the World and lodge your proof of purchase by 22nd September, 2024 – hardcover, paperback, audio or ebook, everything qualifies.

I’m in, how do I lodge?

Choose the button for your region, fill out your details, and upload your receipt. If you fill out the wrong form you will not receive your swag, and that would be a tragedy for all of us, so please choose carefully!


Do I need to purchase a particular edition of the book to participate in the offer?
No — you can buy any edition, in hardcover, paperback, audio or ebook.

Is this open internationally?
The preorder is being supported by publishers in the US, UK and Australia, who can post to those countries. (Canadians, you are not included in the US part of America, which you presumably already know and spend half your lives telling people.)

If you can provide a mailing address in one of the listed countries, you can claim. The art prints will fit in a regular envelope, so you may consider asking a friend to send them onto you.

Your edition should match the country you’re claiming for. For the US, buy an edition published by Knopf. For the UK, buy an edition published by Rock the Boat. For Australia buy an edition published by Allen & Unwin.

If I want to attend one of Amie’s tour events and buy a book there, can I still claim?
Yes, you’ll have until Sept 22nd to upload your receipts. All events will be concluded by then! And please note that events require a purchase to enter the signing line, so you should wait to buy until then.

How long do I have to claim?
You need to fill out the form by 22nd September, 2024.

Will I get a confirmation email when I submit the form?
No, but if you don’t see an error message, everything is fine.

Is there a limit to how many prints are available?
Yes – the offer is available while supplies last in all markets. This site will be updated if the supply is exhausted.

How long until my mailbox is blessed with these incredible prints?

Packs will go in the mail around the end of September.  Once they’re dispatched, it’s all in the hands of your intrepid postal workers.

If I purchase more than one book can I claim more than once?
Yes. You should fill out the form for each new claim, and lodge a new receipt each time. Duplicates will be deleted.

Is there a no-purchase option?
Yes, you can write to PO Box 563, Mentone, Victoria, 3193, Australia, and request a set of portraits. Your request must be received by September 22nd, 2024.

I have a question you haven’t answered here.
Well, that’s more a statement than a question, but you can email Amie’s assistant if you need any additional help. You can reach them at — but please do read the FAQs first!

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